Leather Wall Clock With Colourful Hand Painted Peacock Design

MRP $ 43.09
The Leather Wall Clock with a Colorful Hand-Painted Peacock Design is a unique decorative piece that blends functionality with traditional artistry. Made from treated and durable leather, the clock features an intricately hand-painted peacock, a symbol of beauty and grace in Indian culture. Vibrant colors and detailed patterns enhance its aesthetic appeal, making it a standout addition to any room. This wall clock not only serves as a timepiece but also as a piece of art, reflecting the craftsmanship and cultural heritage of leather artisans. It's a perfect fusion of traditional art and modern utility, suitable for home or office decor.
  • Primary Material : Leather
  • Diameter : 35 cm
  • Height : 5 cm
  • Weight : 500 gms

Andhra Pradesh leather puppetry, or "Tholu Bommalata," is a traditional shadow puppetry art form over 2000 years old. Made from goat hide, puppets are intricately designed and painted, then used to project shadows on a lit screen. Performances typically depict scenes from the Ramayana and Mahabharata, narrated with music and dialogue in Telugu. Despite facing challenges from modern entertainment and declining artisan numbers, efforts are underway to revive this cultural heritage through festivals, workshops, and exhibitions. Tholu Bommalata showcases the region's rich artistry and storytelling tradition, preserving its cultural significance for future generations.

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